Welcome to Morningside
1700 Piedmont Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
Sundays at 10:30 am
In 2025, Morningside is asking God to transform us into a community that is marked by Joyfully Serious Discipleship to Jesus.
We are asking God marks us in the following ways:
We are a Blue-Collar family. Phil. 2:1–4
Start 3 new Disciple Groups
Raise up Deacons to start a Deacon ministryWe trust the Word to do the Work. Phil. 2:5
Preach through 4 Books of the Bible
Church-wide Bible reading plan
Memorize and Recite Scripture as a ChurchWe are a rooted presence in Atlanta. Phil. 2:6–8
Start the Morningside Internship Program
Disciple Groups identify and plan 4 opportunities to Serve the CityWe hunger for more. Phil. 2:9–11
Personal Discipleship Plan
Every member has one person they are praying for a pursuing to meet Jesus
We have a place for you.
1. Join us this Sunday!
See for yourself who we are and what we’re about. We’d love to meet you at our Welcome Tent and answer any questions you may have!
2. Attend Connect Lunch.
Connect Lunch is a great place to learn who we are, what we believe, and how you can get involved at Morningside.
3. Connect with others.
Disciple Groups help you know and be known by others as we deepen our relationship with Jesus and pursue the mission of God.